Diagnostic and surgical procedures
All disorders of the eye can be evaluated at your ophthalmologist’s office. Aside from the eye surgeries mentioned here, a multitude of other surgical techniques of the anterior and posterior eye chambers are performed as well (see: Procedures). Plastic eye lid surgery is offered, too. Laser surgery of various ophthalmologic disorders is performed as well, if strictly indicated following a thorough examination. Floaters may also be treated with a new, very precise Lasersystem. Accurate measurement for corrective lenses, medical advisories, evaluations and conservative therapy for various ophthalmologic disorders are offered in the office as well.
List of operations performed
List of operations performed since 1987
- Grand total of procedures in ophthalmologic surgery: More than 30.000
- Intraocular procedures: More than 17.000
- Anterior chamber: More than 15.000
- Posterior compartment: More than 2000
- Extraocular procedures: More than 1000
- Grand total of laser surgeries: More than 4000
- More than 600 cataract surgeries in children
- Live-surgeries: European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Xian (China), University Vienna, Refractiva Sevilla, Munich, Recife (Brasil)